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Extension Costs in London


08 Dec 24

Extension Costs in London

Renovation projects can be a minefield when it comes to understanding quotations and the different rules applied by different contractors. Extension projects should always be costed by an experienced professional that understands the unique challenges that can present themselves.

At The Abbey Construction Group we have a dedicated system that allows for multiple methods of costing. We can cost the project in linear metres, square metres, cubic metres and time required to undertake any area of the project. Costing an extension project is not as simple as some may have you believe. Contractors have been known to cost projects simply based on square feet or square meters and whilst this can provide a base of information it isn’t a foundation that someone inclined to understand their budget wants to build from, it certainly doesn’t help to make the ‘Move or Extend’ decision.

Loft Conversions

Loft conversions are slightly simpler to form a base cost for, since a lot of quotations are required prior to the completion of architectural plans and surveys, please see a link to a very helpful calculation tool on the Nuloft website.

How To Cost A Project

By far the best way to cost an extension project is to create a scope of works highlighting all known and unknown quantities, then to measure the spaces with which the project takes place and to apply the cost per rules as they apply to the materials and labour.

An example of a good way to cost a roof structure is outlined below.

Width x Depth = T SQM -> T SQM x Material Cost + T SQM x Labour Cost = Total Cost

Obviously in the case above we have used a simple example and made it look simple, but costing a project using methods like this is the only way a potential client can have any confidence over the numbers they have been provided and the security of the budget.

Cost to Value Ratio

When specifying products for a project a contractor should always be looking to offer materials that provide the best cost to value ratio. It is not in anyones interest to offer a product that doesn’t have longevity and likewise it isn’t supportive to recommend a product that can be matched at a far more efficient cost. A key consideration for all construction projects is maximising and securing the investment, something we have become specialists at during our well established history.

If you have any questions about the pricing of projects and extension costs in London and want advice on how to understand the different methods of costing, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with one of our specialists.

Steven Gilbert MCIOB ACABE

Get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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